Hybrid Performance delivers worldwide through our site.
Free Shipping for orders over $99* - This offer is valid on all items shipped NZ Nationwide Only.
To find out the cost of shipping please add your item/s to cart and follow the checkout steps to shipping options.
Delivery within New Zealand takes 2 - 5 working days after payment is cleared. It may take longer time if your address is rural.
Delivery within Australia takes 5 - 10 working days after payment is cleared.
All other deliveres worldwide* takes approx 10 - 15 working days after payment is cleared and item shipped.
We offer:
Spend upto $100 AUD in one single order and pay only $30 AUD
Spend upto $250 AUD in one single order and pay only $45 AUD
Spend upto $500 AUD in one single order and pay only $85 AUD
Spend over $500 AUD in one single order and pay only $150 AUD
To purchase your products via our website in AUD please change the currency from the top right hand side of the site.
** There are some restrictions around certain countries. To find out if we ship to your country please add your item/s to cart and follow the checkout steps to shipping options.